Art gift book “Poetry of Travel – Poesie des Reisens” – In memory of Paul Klee

In memory of Paul Klee

Book series LOUNGE 2 – volume XI

Editor: Kurt Ries

Visual artists have always traveled because for people who create art, it is essential to unlock new sources of inspiration. In Paul Klee’s artistic career, traveling played an especially large part. Time and again, he went to Italy, France and Switzerland. Both his trips to Tunisia and Egypt had a major impact on his work. On his quest to overcome the limitations of sensual experience and explore the secrets of nature, he encountered progressive European painters’ movements and eventually found his own style, which brought him world success.

In this spirit, 55 artists from 27 countries have come together at the occasion of Paul Klee’s 145th birthday to showcase their own travel experiences. What impact has traveling had on their artistic work? In how far have their journeys as such become artistic motifs? The editor of this book has divided the artworks from around the world into chapters and added selected haiku poems, exquisite quotes, descriptive statements, and illustrations. The result is a multifaceted homage from the adventurous perspective of the traveling eye.

International Artworks and Poems

Bilingual art gift book with 71 artworks and 33 haiku poems from 27 countries.

Art and Poetry from around the world

The wandering artist is the epitome of the eternal seeker. Deceleration, recreation and relaxation liberate the spirit and free up headspace for new ideas. Curious and eager to learn, the traveler taps into something resembling a meditative state of mind, unlocking unexpected answers and impulses. New places provide new motifs and fresh creative impulses. The way artists evaluate the success of their trips is often based on aesthetic parameters. Exploring the unknown helps them gain a better understanding of the world and find their place in it. Many use traveling to educate themselves in a cultural sense, develop and polish their artistic skills. The difference and the distance to everyday life open up new dimensions of perception. The result is often a faster working pace and a new stylistic focus. On the move, artists often meet and engage in an exchange with likeminded people, deriving new artistic input from their encounters. Immaterial treasures of this kind may be supplemented by valuable business connections. Finally, as the number of kilometers and international connections rises, so does the artist’s reputation. Many process their travel experiences in later works after their return. Today, as the user surfaces of the world wide web have become the most popular place to travel, the sensuality and physical experience of real-world travel has become more important than ever to keep artistic experience rooted in reality.

‘Poetry of Travel – Poesie des Reisens’ (An Homage to Paul Klee)

The printed book is available in the book trade and in internet bookshops. 

  • Publisher: Re Di Roma-Verlag
  • Language: English, German
  • Size: 21 x 21 cm
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 978-3-98885-3530
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ follows

Book participants can purchase any number of the book from the German publisher or bookseller Peecho at the reduced author’s price. Please find more information here!

Book design awards – as part of the book project:

  • Cover – 1st Prize: Vicky Tsalamata – Greece
  • Back cover – 2nd Prize: Gro Heining – Norway,  Josip Rubes – Croatia
  • Titel page – 3rd Prize: Chris Thomas – Canada
  • Chapter pages – Honorable Mentions: Bing Huang – USA,  Dimo Kolibarov – Bulgaria, Helena Laine – Finland, Katharina Bossmann – USA, Natalia Rose – Denmark, Patrick Egger – Switzerland, Takanori Iwase – Japan

Please see the images in the book!